I just cut some yarn and hot glued it to a headband we had

The pater familias had the right and duty to find a husband for his daughter,[33] and first marriages were normally arranged. Technically, the couple had to be old enough to consent, but the age of consent was 12 for girls and 14 for boys, though in practice boys seem to have been on average five years older. Among the elite, 14 was the age of transition from childhood to adolescence,[34] but a betrothal might be arranged for political reasons when the couple were too young to marry,[11] and in general noble women married younger than women of the lower classes.

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Lace Wigs There are DIY on how to make a yarn wig or you can buy one (Etsy, $31.95 or Amazon, $12.99). I am not crazy enough to pull off a full blown wig, but I was happy with my simplified version. I just cut some yarn and hot glued it to a headband we had lying around.. Lace Wigs

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