High land values push graziers north to qld. #brisbane #brisbane.twitter.com/lDJN4VN6Tp — Paul Cottle (@PaulCottle더킹카지노) May 31, 2017
Graziers are seeing $50 to $80 per mare, which translates into $200 a hectare of cattle.
“If it costs the same as it does right now, it is going to be very hard for these to be sustained,” said Andrew Jardine, chief executive of the QLC.
“What we’re worried about is that the cost is just too much because they will all be affected by global war바카라ming.”
Mr Jardine warned that the price pressure would not last for much longer.
“There is no question there is more grazing in Queensland that is a lot more intensive than the land currently owned,” he said.
“We’ve seen the impact of the changing weather for the past couple of ye바카라ars, and there is a huge drop in the pasture productivity over time.”
Topics: bushfire, cattle, melbourne-3000